Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation project is being implemented by the Government of Assam after receiving a loan from the World Bank. The ARIAS Society is the main coordinating agency for the project.APART focuses on value addition in the production and post-harvest segments of selected agricultural commodity value-chains ; facilitate agribusiness investments through inclusive business models, that provide opportunities to small farmers as well as stimulate the establishment of new small & medium agribusiness enterprises; and support resilience of agriculture production systems in order to better-manage the increasing production and risks associated with climate change, in the targeted districts. Here in Barpeta district, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Barpeta is implementing this project by practicing all the mandates of the project like promotion of climate resilient agricultural practices along with market led productions, capacity building of the farmers by organizing many trainings on post-harvest machineries, rice value chain, integrated crop management practices, quality seed production etc. From the starting of this project i.e 2018 till now 746.45 ha area is covered under various demonstrations in Sali, Boro and Rabi seasons comprising a total 1369 different types demonstrations. 138 nos. of different training programmes, field days etc. are organized with an active participation of total 4059 farmers from the different blocks of the district.
Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation project (APART)